Monday, 28 February 2022

Sea life

Sometimes we took a photocopy of Children’s drawings before they coloured them with watercolour, so that they could compare the two, and make better decisions in future about whether they wanted to colour their drawings or not.

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)


We looked at and talked about some of Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ paintings. Then the children drew their own sunflowers from direct observation of artificial sunflowers in some of the school’s vases.

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Dragon’s Egg

For several years we produced an annual anthology of our children’s poetry, which we called Dragon’s Egg. These original children’s paintings were produced for the accompanying school ‘exhibition’.

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Monday, 7 February 2022

Hero and Villain


(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Inspired by ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’

As idle as a painted ship 
 Upon a painted ocean.’ (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

Y6 loved hearing sections of the poem read aloud to them, the power of the rhythm and language as well as the story. With plenty of prior experience of paint and pastel, they had enough skill to be able to create their own image of the scene. Unable to observe an actual albatross, they did look at pictures to get an idea of its shape and colouring, before (but not during) the production of their own art.

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Peacock feather

Spectacular work from a simple stimulus.