Saturday, 30 April 2022

Paintings: vase of flowers

Such individual responses to a similar subject.

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Skulls and bones

The children were fascinated by these after they had been found by a local farmer (and thoroughly disinfected).

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Turton Tower


One of our favourite school trips was to Turton Tower near Bolton in Lancashire, a wonderful old house that evolved as a family home over the course of more than 500 years. The staff there knew us well and allowed our children free run of the whole property, with plenty of time to sit, write, draw and soak up the atmosphere. (But no actual running!)

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Monday, 4 April 2022

Twiggy bits

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Friday, 1 April 2022

Bits of a bicycle

As simple a thing as asking one of the children to bring their bike into the classroom made from a very absorbing and productive art session.

This class of experienced Y6 artists made their own choice of drawing material (pencil, pen or oil pastel) and my initial assurance that they did not need to draw the whole bicycle, but, if they wished, could zoom in on just part of it, seemed to add confidence, making the task seem less daunting. Suggesting they stuck to black and white (like an old photo) and ignored any background, added further to this. 

Of course, at least one of them decided to do the whole bike anyway. But then, each child drawing things in their own way is what it’s all about.

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)

Some cut, some potted.

Enough said.

(For anyone interested, notes on the teaching approaches that helped children towards these outcomes are on the COMMENTARY PAGES of this blog.)